The Construction

If you are knitting a chair, or planning to in the future, this might be useful to help you understand the way the chairs are constructed.
Hope it’s clear! Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!


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6 responses to “The Construction

  1. Birthe - Denmark

    What a good and creative way to use one’s knitting skills…

    I might knit my own not-so-ubiquitous chair.
    If I do I will let you know and maybe send in a photo of it. 🙂

    I hope that more and more knitters will join and spread the idea of knitting chairs.

    Best wishes

  2. Pingback: Serious Knitting – The Chair Cozy «

  3. haleygayle

    this is great! im just slightly confused. im not a new knitter but i havent really explored farther out more than socks and hats. i dont understand how to do back and forth shaping. is there a specific way or do i just decrease around the edges and just knit over the top of the chair?

  4. Pam

    Yahoo! Hope for a beloved, bedraggled loveseat! Am traveling now but can’t wait to explore possibilities. Thank you all!

  5. Wow!
    What a great IDEA!

    I want to make this wonder!

  6. These are amazing CHAIR COVERS….

    How long does it actually take to make one chair cover? I love to know!!

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